Praying for Our Husbands, Pt. 2/Week in Pictures

"You are an ezer, uniquely fashioned and supernaturally equipped to pray for your husband."

I'm grateful for those of you who have joined me in praying for our husbands, and excited to see the fruit that comes from it! One of my friends, who is joining in prayer, was sent this devotional just today, empowering us as wives in our role as help mate and prayer warrior on their behalf. I thought it was too good to not pass along. Click on the link above (the opening blue sentence) to view it in full. I plan to post as we continue on in our 31 days and would LOVE to hear how this journey is going for you if you've joined along. Please comment and let me know!

In other news, we scheduled our appointment for our ultrasound for our growing babe for this coming Tuesday. I CANNOT WAIT! We will have our appointment in the afternoon and come home to get the finishing touches (pink or blue) to our Gender Reveal Party we will have with our family. This is our first pregnancy back home, near family, and we are thrilled to share in all the little excitements with them. I will post pictures later and share here sometime next week. Stay tuned!

Until then, enjoy a taste of these beauties that I spend my days with:

Painting = loving them well and me trying to not stress out :)

Levi practicing his name, Judah doing the same...and getting frustrated. Check out his face!

Yeah! He did it!
Bath time (crazy time) with 3 kiddos in the tub. 
Clara so big in her rocking chair.
This is where she sits every night and says, "moon?" as she gazes out the window.
Loving to serve tea :)

This braid looked cute for a couple hours! She's so sweet :)
So irresistibly cute!


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